Shared Mail Programs

Shared Mail Program - City Publications

We are Shared Mail experts

Shared mail is a direct mail program where multiple advertisers share the cost of mailing by combining their ads into one package, allowing you to reach your prospects for just pennies per impression.

Our Co-Op Card Pack is by far the most popular program we offer and is utilized by thousands of companies throughout the country. 


Direct Mail Co-Op Card Packs

The City Publications Co-Op Card Pack is not only the most popular program but also the biggest lead generator for our clients. These mailers are targeted to high-income, upscale, actively-spending homeowners who are known responders to direct mail. All our card packs are highly targeted, beautifully packaged and personally addressed; and they distinctively feature products & services our consumers spend the most on.

Each advertisement is a unique, full-color front and back, glossy postcard printed on high-quality stock. Our Co-Op Card Pack allows you to effectively showcase your business and stand out from your competition.


Who Receives the Co-Op Card Pack?

Each card pack mailing list is meticulously developed to identify the top 100,000 high-income, upscale, active spending consumers in the greater Wheaton, Geneva, & Naperville area.

We start by identifying the top 300,000  highest valued homes and then funnel them through a series of weighted filters (more than 20) including household income, net worth, residential square footage, lot size, year built, age of head of household and many others. 

We won’t share the recipe to our secret sauce with you, but be assured that our direct mail Co-Op Card Pack recipients are the most upscale active consumers in the greater Wheaton, Geneva, & Naperville area, and they are looking for good companies from which to purchase needed products and services.


Why Advertise in our Direct Mail Co-Op Card Packs

When you’re looking for the biggest bang for your buck, the City Publications Co-Op Card Pack offers the following advantages:


Reach Wheaton, Geneva, & Naperville’s most upscale, active consumers for just pennies apiece.


You can change your message and your design each mailing, and it’s included in the price.


Highly Targeted
Our list is meticulously developed to identify the top 100,000 households in the greater Wheaton, Geneva, & Naperville area.


Our distinctive Co-Op Card Pack arrives in homes four times a year, thereby creating the potential for 400,000 impressions a year for your message.


All-Inclusive pricing
All our shared mail programs are presented with one price for design, printing, postage and delivery. No bait and switch. No surprises!


We Guide You Through Every Step of the Process
From beginning to end, your City Publications representative will guide you through every key decision necessary to create your optimal direct mail campaign, then execute the decisions you’ve made.


New Homeowners
City Showcase Program

Our City Showcase is a new mover’s program that is sent out monthly to all new homeowners so it arrives within 30 days of move-in.

This cooperative shared mail program consists of seven exclusive ads that showcase your products and services tailored for the new homeowner audience.

New homeowners are statistically proven to react 4-8 times more positively when reviewing local offerings delivered to their mailboxes. Within 30-60 days of home occupancy these new homeowners spend significantly more than the average homeowner.


In fact, during the first year of moving into a different home, these homeowners spend as much as 8-12 times more than an established homeowner on products and services having to do with:

  • Autos Dining Out
  • Cleaning Services Window Treatments
  • Furniture Flooring Services
  • Kitchen & Bath
  • Health & Beauty
  • Landscaping and more…

When developing our City Showcase mailing list, we take the same meticulous care as that taken for our Co-Op Card Pack. 


Advantages of Advertising in our
City Showcase New Mover’s Program

New homeowners are statistically proven to react 4-8 times more positively when reviewing local offerings delivered to their mailboxes. Check out these advantages of the City Showcase New Mover’s Program:


By advertising in our City Showcase program, you can reach new movers right when they’re looking to buy.


You can change your message and your design as you see fit.


Our beautiful, seven-panel mailer arrives in homes the 15th of each month.


Highly Targeted 
We mail to 1,000 new movers within 30 days of them moving into their new homes each month.


All-Inclusive pricing
All our shared mail programs are presented with one price for design, printing, postage and delivery. No bait and switch. No surprises!


We Guide You Through Every Step of the Process 
From beginning to end, your City Publications representative will guide you through every key decision necessary to create your optimal direct mail campaign, then execute the decisions you’ve made.

Shared Mail and Solo Mail Campaign Mix

Postcard marketing and mailing is on the rise, and many of our clients want more frequency than the card pack provides. Because they want to target different segments of their ideal prospects and customers in various parts of town or at different times of the year, these savvy clients employ a mix of both shared mail and solo mail


Learn About Our Solo Mail Options


Find the best fit

At City Publications we offer a wide range of direct mail options to take any business to the next level. Use our program comparison chart to find the best program to optimize your marketing strategy. 



Get Started With Shared Mail For Your Business

Contact Your Local Direct Mail Expert to Learn More


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